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Clint Hollingsworth - is the author of the Mac Crow Thriller series, The Ghost Wind Chronicles, The Wandering Ones webcomic (and books) and the Starting From Scratch webcomic. |
July 20, 2017Last time I posted here, I naively noted how long it's been since updates. Nothing there has really changed. Mac Crow 3, The Deep Blue Crush is getting closed to done, with the manuscript now in the editor's hands. Also, since last update I published my first Comic/Coloring Book, Nature Scout Emily on Amazon. There is a good chance that in the near future, I will be starting a Patreon funding drive, as much as to get me off my fanny when it comes to updating the Wandering Ones webcomic as for cash. In the meantime, I need to find that drawing mojo and get my drawing muscles back in shape. October 7, 2016Good LORD how time flies! Since I last updated this site, I've managed to put out two books for myself, and a formatted some from friends and loved ones. My two latest are: Death in the High Lonesome, my second Mac Crow Thriller and a pet project I've been wanting to do for years, Wilderness Survival Knives, Tips for Choosing and Using. Part of me wants to use the excuse that it's better to be writing books than doing websites, but the tiny part of me that is a grown-up says, "You should be doing both." (I hate that guy) December 30, 2015It has been a year (almost) since I left full-time employment to become a full-time author and part time (from home) ad designer. You may be wondering how it's gone. Let me be blunt. I LOVE IT! My life long goal has been to work from home, and make some sort of living with the creative works that I've been producing most of my life. It's starting to happen now. Aside from doing ad work for the Good Life Magazine, I've put out two novels this year and one Wandering Ones compilation. (Wandering Ones: The Road Home). Three books is not a bad output for a year, and the novels, while not selling like hotcakes, ARE selling. Mac Crow 2 is in the works, and I hope to have it ready by mid-February 2016. Both of my novels at this point have mostly 5-star reviews. Pretty dang awesome! There are other wonderful things though. One is that my health has improved. I still have to watch my blood sugar carefully, but I've been able to get out and exercise more and I don't spend my entire day sitting at a desk. I've started meditating regularly, (OK, semi-regularly) and I feel I'm starting to see some of the mental benefits. Last year I bought David Michie's Why Mindfulness Is Better Than Chocolate as a CD and I just leave it in my elderly Honda running on loop. It calms me and it keeps me going to the cushion (or in my case, often to the bed of pine needles). I also get to spend time with Suzie, though we are often at our various creative ventures at opposite ends of the house. I suppose I shouldn't brag about talking to her on the cell phone when she's fifty feet away... :o 2016 is right around the corner, and I hope to get at least two novels out. Keenspot has also given me the okay to reprint the two Wandering Ones compilations that they published in the early years of the comic. I also have a non-fiction book on survival knives I hope to publish this year. I'm stoked! ***********************************************January 28, 2015It struck me that if I want to start a career as a writer, it might not be the best idea to have a home page that was obviously all about illustration. August 4, 2014A little bit of housecleaning before we start the next story... Next week, we’ll have a Miss Emily story, then I believe we will be headed for a long arc, possibly the final arc of this comic. Next April 8th will be the 15th anniversary of Wandering Ones. That might be a good place to end. I began the strip back when we were hearing all sorts of pies in the sky about how we’d be able to make a living doing webcomics on Keenspot. Of course, that never panned out for most of us but obviously, the satisfaction of doing this comic has counted for a lot. One of my relatives once asked “how can you be so talented and not making any money at it?” Perhaps that’s my true talent... So, I am of course going to try the whole thing again in a different venue. I am currently in the process of creating two novels. One is, in a way a wandering Ones Novel, only it features Ravenwing’s sister, Ghost Wind. The story occurs just after the young scout’s banishment. Will any of the characters that we’ve seen in the comic show up? We’ll see... (one already has, you just might not remember him) The other features MacKenzie “Mac” Crow. This is a contemporary thriller about an earlier 20’s young man, a tracker who is drafted into his uncle’s bounty hunting business. While tracking a lost young girl, he runs afoul of a psycho in the woods, and later on, the psycho’s family. This story is currently being beta read by one of my generous readers. I also plan to release a new Wandering Ones collection through createspace and Amazon soon. Maybe these stories will outlive me. If you’d like to know what’s happening on a more regular basis, like the Wandering Ones Facebook page, (and if you already have, go there and like a few things, my posts will get to you more often) I also occasionally tweet under the monicker @wanderclint But not to obnoxiousness. May 12, 2014I have a new book out!! :D The new book Wolves in Street Clothing is on Amazon! "Wolves in Street Clothing: How Animal Behavior Teaches Survival in the Asphalt Jungle will give you a new light in which to see human predatory behavior. As we move farther and farther from our roots insulating ourselves in technology and air conditioned homes we get disconnected from the inherent and innate aspects of understanding the precursors to violent behavior. Violence is not always emotionally bound, often and in the animal kingdom is simply a tool to access a needed resource –or to protect an essential resource. Distance, encroachment, and signals are keys to avoiding a predator. Why would a cougar attack a man after a bike ride? Why would a bear attack a man in a hot tub? Why would a thug rob one person and not another? The predatory animal mind holds many of the keys to the answer to these questions. Learn drills for skills that will help you tune your focus and move through life safer and more aware of your surroundings as sections of Wolves in Street Clothing bring old world survival skills into the modern jungle."